Graduation may feel far off, but it will arrive before you know it. As Benjamin Franklin wisely said, ‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.’ The college search and application process can seem overwhelming at first, but starting early and dedicate a little...
Welcome to Here is where you will find the necessary coursework for completing your classes in Studio Art I, Studio Art II, and Computer Art Graphics. Each course has a Schoology Course that you need to access and be active in. You will also use the...
Online painting software, some times called open source software, will provide you with a variety of Internet sites that allow you to draw and paint directly on a web browser on a Chromebook or desktop computer. Explore the following sites in the order they...
The following links are job search engines that will help to find a job in our area. Use the search filters to narrow your search to find entry level jobs in areas like retail or food service. When applying for a position it is good to to appear well dressed, a little...
Students who are thinking of perusing a career in the visual arts will need to attend an art school or university that has an art program. There many colleges and art schools to choose from. Each school requires a portfolio of art work that the admissions officers use...
Artists and designers have been using the automobile as an art form in a variety of ways. The most notable art cars came from a series of cars painted by famous artists for BMW. Like Alexander Calder’s BMW paint job featured here, each car represents the style...
Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist. He’s considered the founding father of modern physics. He’s most widely known for uncovering the laws of gravity and motion. In 1666 he studied the properties of light, showing that a prism could separate white...
Artists keep sketchbooks to record observations, hone artistic skill and develop ideas. Artists and designers alike keep an ongoing journal to practice their drawing technique and develop ideas and products. Besides an inspiring name for a mutant turtle in a secret...
Utilizing Internet resources and statistical data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, career searchers can access important information and detailed aspects about various fields of study. After reflecting on your aspirations, favorite areas of study, and career...
A digital portfolio can be created using Google Slides, which we will call Google Slides Portfolio for the sake of the course. The Slides portfolio will come to represent all the work you created throughout the year. Your portfolio will include projects you...
Chuck Close creates large realistic portraits using small squares of color to show the features of the face. His techniques led him to a great deal of fame in the 1960s and by the 1970s, Close’s work was shown in the world’s finest galleries, and he was...
Stuart Davis was born in Philadelphia in 1892. At the age of 16 his family moved to New Jersey and Stuart studied art in NYC. He became inspired by the excitement of the city; the tall skyscrapers, bright colors, and electric signs, began to motivate him to paint...
Henri Matisse was a French painter and sculptor who lived from 1869 – 1954. He is most known for his brightly colored paintings from the early 1900 pioneering what’s known as the fauvist style. Fauvism emphasized strong color and unique brush strokes instead of...
By shading with different values of gray artists can create the illusion of space and form in their drawings. Properly positioning the highlight, mid-tone, and shadow areas artists can make a basic shape can look like is has real three-dimensional form....
Architectural plans are what architects use to enable builders to construct their designs. An architect needs to design the floor-plan of the space as well as render the 3-dimensional perspective drawings so that the client can visualize their design. Frank Lloyd...